
Top-of-the-Line Marketing and Sales Consulting

A well-planned marketing strategy taps into a company's unrealized growth potential, and the sales and marketing consulting professionals at Evergreen Consulting Services are fully equipped to help you tap into that potential. We use the most recent information to make well-informed business recommendations to you, our valued client, and provide an effective and well thought-out solution. Using a collaborative approach, we work with leadership and management teams to develop a thoughtful execution of marketing plans and strategies for short- and long-term growth, including the following:

  • Marketing Strategy Development - Identify target markets, determine the marketing mix, and implement a marketing program to increase sales.
  • Market Research, Analysis, and Recommendations - Conduct a SWOT Analysis to determine your competitive edge, learn more about your target market, identify the keys to success, and outline the potential growth in your industry.
  • Market Segmentation, Differentiation, Positioning and Branding Strategies - Identify and implement market differentiation strategies and tactics to grow your business.
  • Market Channel Development - Identify and establish marketing channels to promote your products and services.
  • Marketing Communications - Develop key messaging strategies to inform your target audience, and coach and assist you with current and ongoing business communicaitons with current and prospective customers.
  • Brand Development Services - We will work with a team of graphic designing professionals to develop a compelling visual presentation and combine it with clearly written content to communicate your brand.

Strategic Marketing Plans -
Your Road Map for Success

You wouldn't think of driving in a large metropolitan city without a map, and the same goes for not having a strategic marketing plan for your business. Just as a map helps you to find your destination, a marketing plan identifies and outlines the critical elements of your business. We will outline your road map for success by identifying demographics and trends within your industry, evaluate economic indicators, and develop a marketing strategy to increase revenue.

A strategic marketing plan allows you to gauge your company's growth based on sales, margin, and return on investment (ROI) — over time, this will help identify areas that may need improvement. Your marketing plan will be well-thought-out and based on your business objectives, sales revenue goals, and implementation timelines. For further information about strategic marketing plans and tactics, contact us.

Map to Success

Business Development Growth Strategy

Business development complements marketing and uses lead generation programs and personal selling techniques to gain new business. Interested in growing your business? Visit our services page to learn more and contact us directly to start working with experienced professionals.